Moulin de la Rouzique Papermaking Mill and Museum

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Moulin de la Rouzique Papermaking Mill and Museum

At the Moulin de la Rouzique, the guide retraces with you the whole history of the place and the stages of paper making through the different rooms by setting in motion different mechanisms of the mill (models, paddle wheel, round-shaped machine...). In your turn, come and operate the paddle wheel and discover a know-how by making your own sheet of paper! The mission of the mill team is above all to introduce you to the gestures of making handmade paper through visits, demonstrations and workshops. During the event days, visitors are also offered meetings with associations, craftsmen, enthusiasts who work around projects related to paper. The mill is a living place open to contemporary creations in all these forms. Some of the mill's functional tools can also be made available to accompany designers who will share their know-how with the public.


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Le Moulin de la Rouzique, Route de Varennes, Couze, France

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